Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 8, 2017


“Thông qua một hạt bụi, có thể thấy được sự thật của cả Vũ Trụ. Tất cả các hạt bụi cũng đều như vậy.
Nếu có một người thông tuệ, biết rõ mọi lý, sự trong một hạt bụi, biên chép lại trên vài trang giấy thì tựa như một quyển kinh lớn bằng một tỷ Thiên hà, đem lại lợi ích lớn cho muôn loài.”

Dưới đây là bản dịch sang tiếng Anh. Nhờ mọi người góp ý bản dịch để đảm bảo người đọc không hiểu sai khác so với bản gốc tiếng Việt.
Xin cảm ơn.

Declared by: Pháp Không Chân Như
Time Presented: From May 08th, 2016 until June 05th, 2016

“Through a dust particle, one can see the truth of the Universe. All dust particles are the same.
If there is a wise man who knows everything, every facts in a dust particle, jots down on several pages, it is like a large prayer book with one billion galaxies which bring major benefits for all species.”
Pháp Không Chân Như

1) There is nothing available, including space and time, when the Universe "has not" come to life. 
2) Anything available, including space and time, belongs to the Universe.
3) There are only two root groups available in the Universe, those are the group of Tánh Linh (spirituals, see its definition below), and the group of the root material particles. 
(Hereinafter, they are called the two root groups).
4) The group of Tánh Linh has the countless numbers of Tánh Linh, the group of the root material particles has the countless numbers of the root material particles.
5) There are countless numbers of Tánh Linh that are similar to each other, and there are countless numbers of Tánh Linh that are different from each other; there are countless numbers of root material particles that are similar to each other, and there are countless numbers of root material particles that are different from each other.
6) The amount of Tánh Linh is equal to the amount of the root material particles.
7) The amount of Tánh Linh never changes, the amount of the root material particles never changes.
8) Tánh Linh never merges together to disappear or to form one Tánh Linh or to form many other Tánh Linh, the root material particles never merge together to disappear or to form a root material particle or to form many other root material particles.
9) Each Tánh Linh never disappears or transforms into a different Tánh Linh or transforms into many different Tánh Linh, each root material particle never disappears or transforms into a different root material particle or transforms into many different root material particles.
10) Each Tánh Linh has one root material particle that is symmetrical with such Tánh Linh, every root material particle has a Tánh Linh that is symmetrical with such root material particle.
(Two things that are symmetrical with each other are two mutual-supported things to be available, without relying on anything or any cause whatsoever, and they meet each other in a corresponding manner completely in term of space, and in their immanence that then disappears forever).
11) Except for the two root groups, everything else is supposedly said to be present in the Universe, then they are the products of two root groups.
12) There is not any products of the two root groups becoming the New Root Ingredients present in the Universe.
13) The root material particles have their own inner environment of air-vacuum, this is a continuous environment. Except for the continuous air-vacuum environment, there is not any other environments or anything else belonging to the root material particles.
14) Each root material particle separately owns an amount of fixed air-vacuum amount.
15) The volume of the entire air-vacuum owned by a root material particle is the volume of such root material particle.
16) The weight is a characteristic quantitive used to identify the amount of air-vacuum, intensity (density) of weight is a characteristic quantitive used to identify the intensity of the air-vacuum.
17) There are countless numbers of root material particles that have equal weights from infinitesimal levels to extremely infinitely great levels, there are countless numbers of root material particles that have different weights from infinitesimal levels to extremely infinitely great levels.
18) In a root material particle, air-vacuum is distributed with the tendency: It always exists a place where there is the greatest intensity of weight, and surrounding that position, calculated from that position, the intensity of weight is descending so that the volume of air-vacuum of the spheres that takes that position as their center equal and the intensity of weight in every position of each sphere is equal.
(Hereafter, the location in the root material particles that has the biggest intensity of weight is called the center of the particles. Hereafter, the 18th declaration is called the air-vacuum distribution rules of the particles).
19) Air-vacuum always tends to swell in all directions surrounding.
20) Swelling tendency of air-vacuum of a root material particle is the energy source of that particle.
21) At one location, the air-vacuum at that location will swell toward to the direction where the intensity of weight at its adjacent position along that direction is less than the intensity of weight at that location. 
22) At one location, the air-vacuum at that location will be shrunken when the intensity of weight surrounding that location is all greater than the intensity of weight at that location.
23) The shrinkage of the air-vacuum is due to the swelling caused by the air-vacuum surrounding.
24) Centre of root material particle always tends to move to the Centre of Gravity of volume space of the particle.
25) A root material particle will swell toward to the direction where the surface intensity of weight of such particle along that direction is greater than the external intensity of weight that is exposed to that surface area.
26) A root material particle will be shrunken from the direction where the surface intensity of weight of such particle along that direction is smaller than the external intensity of weight that is exposed to that surface area. 
27) The moving process of a particle from one location to another one is the process by which the particles shrink from this direction and swell toward to the other directions.
28) A root material particle will swell toward to all directions when all contacting positions between the air-vacuum surrounding with the surfaces of the particles that all have intensity of weight smaller than intensity of weight of the surfaces of the particles.
29) A root material particle will shrink from all directions when all contacting positions between the air-vacuum surrounding with the surfaces of the particles that all have intensity of weight bigger than intensity of weight of the surfaces of the particles.
30) At the contacting positions between two root material particles, the elasticity does not occur if and only if the intensity of weight of two particles is equal at that position. That is, the intensity of weight of the two particles at the contacting positions tends to be evenly balanced to each other.
31) When one root material particle lies inside the others, this particle tends to move toward to the center of the others if this particle has average density of weight greater than the average density of weight of the others, in terms of the area and in terms of the volume that this particle occupies. That is, this particle tends to move to the place where the density of weight is in equilibrium with it in the shortest direction.
32) When one root material particle lies inside the others, this particle tends to move away from the center of the others if this particle has average density of weight less than the average density of weight of the others, in terms of the area and in terms of the volume that this particle occupies. That is, this particle tends to move to the place where the density of weight is in equilibrium with it in the shortest direction.
33) When one root material particle lies inside the others, this particle lies motionlessly in the others if and only if the four cases of equilibrium occurs simultaneously:
- Firstly, the intensity of weight at all contacting positions between the two particles is equal and does not change during the time this particle lies motionlessly;
- Secondly, the average intensity of weight of this particle and the average intensity of weight of the others, in terms of the area and in terms of volume that this particle occupies is equal and does not change during the time this particle lies motionlessly;
- Thirdly, the distribution of air-vacuum in this particle achieves the air-vacuum distribution rules of particles and stabilizes during the time this particle lies motionlessly;
- Fourthly, during the time this particle lies motionlessly, the center of this particle is always located at the Centre of Gravity of such particle.
34) In particular, about the material World, that means not only talking about the World of Tánh Linh, the inner environment of the Universe is a continuous air-vacuum environment, except for the continuous air-vacuum environment, there is not any other environments or anything else present in the Universe.
35) Space is an attribute of the air-vacuum, that is manifested by the air-vacuum, where there is the air-vacuum, there is space; where there is space, then that's where there is the air-vacuum. 
36) Any location in the Universe, either it belongs to one root material particle or it belongs to other root material particles.
37) When a location in one root material particle varies (changes) its intensity of weight, then the variation of intensity of weight is spread to all locations surrounding and follows the air-vacuum distribution rules of the particles.
38) When spreading the variation of the intensity of weight from one root material particle to other root material particles, the variation of intensity of weight is spread in other root material particles follows the air-vacuum distribution rules of the particles.
39) Universe always swells with the expanded and descending acceleration, and the expanded and descending acceleration is never down to zero.
40) The surface of root material particle always deforms, its volume always changes, its center always moves.
41) Four cases of equilibrium following, no equilibrium case occurs over a period of time:
- Firstly, the intensity of weight at all contacting positions between the two particles is equal (in a period of time).
- Secondly, the average intensity of weight of one particle and the average intensity of weight of the others, in terms of the area and in terms of volume that this particle occupies in the others is equal (in a period of time).
- Thirdly, the air-vacuum distribution in the root material particles achieves the air-vacuum distribution rules of the particles (in a period of time).
- Fourthly, the center of the root material particle is located at the Centre of Gravity of the particle (in a period of time).
42) The light, electromagnetic waves, gravitational waves and things like that, if added, are all the unique things, that is the phenomenon of the spreading process of the variation of intensity of weight in air-vacuum (in the space, in the material).
(Pay attention to the 13th declaration, the 34th declaration, the 35th declaration and the 36th declaration).
43) The variation spreading speed of intensity of weight (the speed of light, electromagnetic waves, gravitational waves and things like that, if added) in air-vacuum (in the space, in the material) is not a constant.
44) The types of basic interacting forces such as gravitational interaction force, electromagnetic interaction force, strong interaction force, weak interaction force and other basic interaction forces, if added, all have a unique interacting force that is the swelling strength of air-vacuum under the air-vacuum distribution rules of the particles.
45) Two root material particles can only interact with each other if and only if they come into contact with each other.
46) The difference of the intensity of weight of two root material particles at the contacting surfaces between two particles is the cause that makes two root material particles interact with each other (mutual interaction attraction, mutual repulsion).
47) In case of the two particles mentioned in the 31st declaration is the case when two particles attract each other, in case of the two particles mentioned in the 32nd declaration is the case when two particles repel each other.
48) All ontological beings has Tánh Linh.
49) Each Tánh Linh has its continuous inner environment (hereinafter called Linh Quang, it is acceptable if someone wants to call it by other names because this is a new word), penetrating all positions and pervading the Universe. Except for the continuous environment of Linh Quang, no other environments or anything else belongs to Tánh Linh.
50) There does not exist two different types of Linh Quang.
51) Each Tánh Linh individually owns a fixed "quantity" of Linh Quang.
52) There are countless numbers of Tánh Linh that have the equal "quantities" of Linh Quang from infinitesimal levels to extremely infinitely great levels, there are countless numbers of Tánh Linh that have the different "quantities" of Linh Quang from infinitesimal levels to extremely infinitely great levels.
53) Time is the attribute of the Linh Quang.
54) Knowledgeable to be known about everything and everything about the sincerity (true heart) are the attributes of Linh Quang.
55) The Inner Environment of the Universe includes a continuous air-vacuum environment that penetrate every position; and pervade the Universe and countless numbers of continuous environments of Linh Quang all penetrate every position and pervade the Universe. Also, there is not any other environments, or anything else.
56) Universe came to life "from" nihility.
(There is nothing available, including space and time called nihility).
57) When the Universe came to life, it was also the time the two root groups came to life; when the two root groups arose came to life, it was also the time the Universe came to life.
58) The Universe is always unique.
(There will never have more than one Universe).
59) It is unable to count the time for the presence of the Universe, the age of the Universe is infinite.
60) The Universe will never disappear.
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Definition of Tánh Linh (spirituals): 
Tánh Linh, mentioned in 03rd declaration above, is the true self, the true mind, is the Buddha nature, and is that person, called the ontological beings in the Universe. The oneness of being is an independent existence itself, by itself, undivided, united, permanently constant itself.

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